Navy Days – USS Albemarle and USS Randolph


Enjoying liberty with fellow Weathermen at the Enlisted Men’s Club Guantanamo Bay Naval Base

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2 Responses to IMG_0075

  1. Bob Wohlgemuth says:

    Hi Roger
    I don’t know if you remember me I’m the guy in front with the uniform on. I was better known in those days as “Yogi”. The other two guys are Don McKay and Merville Wells. I was looking at information about the Randolph and I came across your website. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the picture. I have shown it to my whole family and there have been many comments made. I have three children and ten grandchildren and they all live close-by. My wife and I are busy all the time.
    We both have something in common, Law Enforcement. I was a police officer for 37 years in Glen Ridge, New Jersey a small town outside of Newark. I retired in 2001 as Chief of Police. My oldest son who is now a Captain will be made Chief this coming August.
    I have owned a few cars in my time but not near as many as you. Thank you for the memories and if you have a chance drop me a line

    • Roger Graves says:

      Hi Bob, It’s been many, many years, 52 to be exact! I remember you well, you were a nice guy. The guy you identified as Don McKay, was close, that’s Jim McKay. He was my best friend and I lived with him and his wife Alice in Norfolk while the Randolph was under going repairs in the Naval Shipyard. We had good times, it was a great ship and I was proud to serve on her. Thanks for looking me up and your kind words.

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